Illegal Agreement in Commercial Law: Understanding the Basics When engaging in any business agreement, it is essential to ensure that the terms of the contract are legal and enforceable. Any agreement that violates the law is deemed illegal and unenforceable. In the world of commercial law, an illegal agreement refers to a contract that is contrary to public policy or prohibited by law, statute, or regulation. This article takes […]

Categories: Allgemein

When two individuals decide to enter into a de facto relationship, they may or may not have the intention of becoming financially involved with one another. However, as the relationship progresses, it`s important for both parties to consider the financial implications of their commitment. Forming a financial agreement in a de facto relationship can help to clarify the responsibilities of each party and protect both individuals from potential misunderstandings […]

Categories: Allgemein

Pa-x Gender Peace Agreements Database: A Comprehensive Tool for Ensuring Gender Inclusivity in Peace Agreements Peace agreements are crucial for ending violence and conflict, especially those that have persisted for years or even decades. However, peace agreements traditionally fail to consider the needs and perspectives of women and other marginalized communities. The result is often a lopsided agreement that does not address the root causes of the conflict, or […]

Categories: Allgemein

Understanding the ins and outs of contract recruitment can be a daunting task for both employers and job seekers alike. Contract recruitment involves hiring employees for a fixed period to work on specific projects. This method of recruitment is becoming more popular as companies continue to focus on project-based work and staffing needs fluctuate. So, how does contract recruitment work? Let’s break it down: 1. Defining the Project Before […]

Categories: Allgemein

Prenuptial Agreement Dubai: All You Need to Know A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a contract signed between two people before getting married. This agreement lays out the terms and conditions of the couple`s property rights and financial obligations in the event of a divorce or legal separation. In Dubai, prenuptial agreements are legal and enforceable under the UAE`s Personal Status Law. However, there are specific rules and regulations […]

Categories: Allgemein